Alnus cordata – Italian Alder

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Alnus cordata, or Italian Alder is a medium to large sized tree with beautiful glossy green leaves that stay green well into autumn, so gives that bit of extra screening if necessary.  The Italian Alder unlike other Alders can cope with drier condtitions and doesn’t need standing water in it’s proximity in order to thrive.  Alnus cordata makes a great canopy tree in the garden, but can be kept to a smaller size through careful pruning.  Beautiful pendulous catkins appear right at the end of winter.  Their seed pods or stobiles appear in clusters from the end of September and stay on the tree all winter long

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Flowers:  Yellow catkins early spring

Fruit:  Small woody cones

Leaves:  Deciduous, glossy green, heart shaped

Bark:  Smooth grey when young and vertical cracks with age

Autumn colour:  N/A

Ultimate height:  Up to 20m

Uses:  Good for screening as they keep their leaves very late into autumn/early winter

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