Prunus serrula ‘Branklyn’ – Tibetan Cherry

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Prunus serrula ‘Branklyn’ is smaller, more upright variety of Prunus serrula.

The most remarkable feature of Prunus serrula ‘Branklyn’ is its striking coppery-brown, shiny bark that peels away in thin layers, revealing a smooth, polished surface underneath. This unique bark provides a year-round visual interest, making it an excellent choice for landscapes in all seasons.

During the spring, Branklyn graces the surroundings with an elegant display of small white flowers, creating a charming contrast against the backdrop of the glossy bark and in the summer a lush green canopy. During the autumn its leaves change to a stunning display of red.

Whatever the season ‘Branklyn’ will captivate observers and enhance the natural beauty of its surroundings.


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Flowers:  Small white flowers just after the leaves appear.

Fruit:  N/A

Bark:  Red peeling bark, very attractive.

Leaves:   Deciduous, slender, elliptical, pale green leaves.

Autumn colour:  Yellow

Ultimate height:  4m

Uses:  A must have for the winter garden when the peeling bark creates a stunning effect.

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