Acer griseum – Paperbark Maple

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Acer griseum, or Paperbark Maple is a small ornamental garden tree grown for its very attractive coppery-red peeling bark. There are few other trees that can contend with their beautiful stems and even fewer that also have such a gorgeous autumn display. Planted in the correct position, this tree allows the sun to shine through to the peeling bark which it illuminates splendidly giving it the appearance of being on fire. The leaves turn from a glossy green to yellow and deep red in the autumn, often accompanied by the bright pink winged seeds. When they’ve fallen, the tree is bare for you to see the stems and canopy shape in all its glory. 

Acer griseum are a very slow growing tree so they’re easy to maintain. Because they’re so slow growing, they can live quite happily in a large container for an extended amount of time. Their natural shape can also be very beautiful and interesting. This makes for a great specimen tree and best used as a focal point in your garden design.

For more trees with interesting bark, have a look at our Prunus serrula and Betula albosinensis ‘Fascination’. These are more examples of beautiful specimen trees that can provide some winter interest to your garden.

This Multi-stem tree is available from our nursery in the following heights:

  • 100 – 125
  • 125 – 150
  • 150-175
  • 175-200

For prices and availability, please enquire by clicking this button and completing the form. We'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Alternatively please give us a call on 01803 782 666.

Flowers:  Greenish white umbels in May.

Fruit:  Red fruits in summer, browning with age.

Bark:  Coppery-red peeling bark – very attractive.

Leaves:  Deciduous, three lobed with the middle lobe significantly longer.  Shiny dark green.

Autumn colour:  Bright orange to red.

Ultimate height:  8m

Uses: A relatively slow-growing distinctive and highly ornamental tree. Celebrated for its unusual red peeling bark and striking autumn foliage. An upright and rounded form, with a graceful and well-balanced canopy. Often used as a focal point.

Learn more about this Multi-stem tree variety from the RHS here.

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