Euonymus europaeus – Common Spindle

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Euonymus europaeus is a native large shrub or small tree that appear in some of the older hedgerows and become very visible during the autumn months.  This is when the leaves turn bright orange/red and the pink seed heads appear.  

The overall shape allows us to create beautiful small multi-stem trees that can rival any Amelanchier lamarckii in the garden design, and they are native which is an extra bonus.  Beautiful strong stems with a slightly corky appearance on some allows us to crown-lift them and leaving a rounded canopy above.  

Euonymus europaeus can cope with windy conditions which makes them a good choice for tricky windy sites.

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Alternatively please give us a call on 01803 782 666.

Flowers:  Small yellow flowers in spring.

Fruit:  4-lobed red fruits which split to reveal orange seeds.

Bark:  Smooth grey bark with corky ridges or ‘wings’.

Leaves:  Deciduous, narrow, ovate leaflets which are light green.

Autumn colour:  Yellow to red

Ultimate height:  3m

Uses:  A great native tree for autumn colour on the leaves and seeds.

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