Hamamelis intermedia ‘Pallida’ – Witch Hazel ‘Pallida’

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Hamamelis intermedia ‘Pallida’ is a large spreading shrub, which we grow for their unusual flower display at the end of winter. Their bright yellow flowers appear in January and February, and can be enough to cheer up any gardener in the darkest of winter. During frost the flowers tend to droop, but recover again when the temperature rises.

The leaves are similar to Corylus avellana (Hazel) and go through some nice autumn colours. These, with the spreading, funnel-like habit creates some beautiful shapes as they mature. For full effect, Hamamelis intermedia ‘Pallida’ should be planted in a nice, sunny spot. They can tolerate semi-shade (resulting in less flowers) and pollution, making them quite a robust shrub!

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