Viburnum lantana – Wayfaring Tree

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This deciduous shrub is used in hedgerows to create a windbreak and also to attract wildlife with its flowers (bees) and fruit (birds).  Beautiful burgundy red autumn colour.

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Alternatively please give us a call on 01803 782 666.

Flowers:  Lots of small identical five-petalled cream flowers form together in one large flat-topped, scented flowerhead (called an umbel).

Fruit:  Oblong red fruit ripening to black.

Bark:  N/A.

Leaves:  Deciduous, oval leaves with hairy undersides which are grey-green.

Autumn colour:  Burgundy red.

Ultimate height:  4m

Uses:  Used as a hedging plant or just a good, native shrub which is great for attracting birds and wildlife into the garden.

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